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As at 4pm on 17 June 2020, in the Isle of Man there have been:

Confirmed cases


Hospital admissions


Total tests


Concluded tests


Awaiting results


Awaiting tests


Number of deaths


Total active cases (community and hospital)


Number of deaths in hospital


Number of deaths in the community


This information is also available as open data.

Daily confirmed cases

As at 4pm on 17 June 2020

      Likely uncontrolled progression

      DHSC planning assumptions

      Optimal social distancing

      Three day average

      Actual cases

The graph shows the daily confirmed cases and the projected infection rates for a best case scenario compared to a likely uncontrolled progression. 

Cases in the Isle of Man 

      New cases

      Total cases

      Active cases

The above chart shows active cases, new cases and total confirmed cases in the Isle of Man from the start of the coronavirus pandemic and how the Island is progressing through each phase of the stay safe roadmap.

Borders (all ports)

Closed to everyone from Friday 6 am on 27 March 2020 (except key workers, subject to prior approval; Isle of Man residents returning from overseas; Isle of Man residents returning to the Island after leaving to see immediate family for compassionate reasons, for example end of life or to attend a funeral; and non-Island residents who wish to travel to the Isle of Man on compassionate grounds, either to attend the funeral of a close family member or to visit a terminally ill close family relative.

See: Travel and Borders 


Any legal requirement for social distancing in our community was removed on 15 June. Businesses are no longer legally required to take steps in relation to social distancing, such as encouraging employees to work from home, or limiting the number of customers in shops.

COVID-19 will remain a risk for some time and you must manage this risk in the same way you would manage any other risk to your staff or customers, in line with Health & Safety legislation.  You may wish to continue to implement some enhanced hygiene and social distancing measures should this be deemed an appropriate and proportionate way to manage risks.

See: New guidance for businesses

Freight and supplies

Continuing as normal 

Gatherings & social events

Any legal requirement for social distancing in our community and restrictions on gatherings have now been removed.

See: Gatherings and freedom of movement


Visiting restricted.

See:  DHSC hospitals and care homes visiting policy

In an emergency

Call 999

Public transport

Currently operating. 

See: Public transport

Road restrictions

All-island speed limit of 60mph in place.  Continue to observe 50mph, 40mph, 30mph and 20mph as currently required.

Update 15 June: The speed limit will revert fully to its pre-COVID state on 22 June. 


All school sites are reopen for voluntary attendance, all those children who were being taught in hubs are now be able to return to their normal school.

See alsoSchools and nurseries

Self-isolation requirements

All new arrivals must self-isolate for 14 days.
Anyone showing symptoms of coronavirus must self-isolate for 14 days.
Anyone who does not have symptoms of coronavirus but is living with someone who does must self-isolate for 14 days. They can only leave their house to exercise. See more about Self-isolation.

See also:  Managing household waste

Shops (non-essential suppliers)

Any legal requirement for social distancing in our community was removed on 15 June. Businesses are no longer legally required to take steps in relation to social distancing, such as encouraging employees to work from home, or limiting the number of customers in shops.

See: New guidance for businesses

Construction and trades

Construction, trades and horticulture are now able to return to work.

Social distancing

Any legal requirement for social distancing in our community has now been removed.

Social distancing and PPE requirements will however be maintained in health and care environments.

Stay home and stay safe requirement

It is no longer a legal requirement to social distance, however it will be for you to decide where you are comfortable being and who you are comfortable being with. If you do want to keep people at an arm’s length for the time being then that is for you to decide.

Symptoms and testing

Use online assessment tool or call 111